Registered Club Constitution Updates 2022
The Registered Clubs Act 1976 (NSW) at the end of 2021 was amended by the Customer Service Legislation Amendments Act
(NSW).A number of Registered Club are still yet to update their constitutions so they can take advantage of the changes
made to the Registered Clubs Act.
- Requires a registered club to only meet once a quarter instead of once a month (noting that Boards can continue to meet monthly if they like).
- Removes the requirement for a registered club to charge an annual membership (nating some Registered Clubs are using this option to grow their membership).
- Provides that the display of information about proposed members of a registered club is no longer required to include the address of the proposed members.
- Enables the regulations to set out a process for the approval of exceptions, by the Secretary of the Department of Customer Service (the Secretary), to the 5kms rule.
- Enables a registered club to circulate papers and hold meetings by electronic means, and to allow persons entitled to vote at meetings to vote in person or by electronic mens.
- Removes a requirement that a registered club include a member's occupation on its register of members.